Kupakula Advanced Formula

Available -

2Kg, 5Kg, 20Kg

For dairy cattle

Milk production in dairy cows is greatly limited by reduced protein intake. KUPAKULA ADVANCED FORMULA is a premium supplement containing readily bioavailable energy, by-pass protein, phosphorous, calcium, Vitamin A and all essential amino acids including, methionine and lysine.

It is designed for lactating cattle with a high protein requirement, for “Steaming “ in the last two weeks of pregnancy and for livestock consuming moderate to low quality pasture.

KUPAKULA  ADVANCED FORMULA provides energy and protein in a form directly utilized by the animal (by-pass protein and fat).

Therefore, the benefit from KUPAKULA ADVANCED FORMULA is four-fold:

  • High energy, which supports increased milk output even in dry periods.
  • Vitamin A, for the protection of the cow’s epithelial integrity and against diseases.
  • High-quality protein, (by-pass protein at 48 %) for enhanced milk production.
  • The amino acid profile closely resembles that of milk and includes methionine and lysine which are essential in improving milk and milk protein production. Supplemental by-pass protein will help increase the milk persistency between lactation peak and late pregnancy.


Nutrient Contents (Each 1 kg contains):

Protein minimum


By pass Protein








Metabolic energy

11.6 MJ/Kg

Vitamin A

1,000,000 IU

Dosage and administration

Add KUPAKULA Advance Formula daily to feed as recommended below:

Feeding programme per cow per day –

Milk yield (Kg) Morning (Kg) Evening (Kg)
5-9 0.200 0.200
10-15 0.400 0.400
16-20 0.600 0.600
21-25 0.800 0.800
26-30 1.000 1.000
>30 1.200 1.200


It is indicated as a feed additive for improved milk production in dairy animals that have not realised their full milking potential.